What is Diabetes?
When referring to diabetes, we are generally referring to diabetes mellitus, or sugar diabetes. Diabetes is a disorder of glucose, or sugar, use in the body. Glucose is the most common source of energy for the body’s cells. Glucose comes into our body by what we eat and then the hormone, insulin (which is produced in the pancreas) helps the glucose to get into the cells. Diabetes is caused by not having enough insulin in the body.
Incidence of Diabetes:
There has been a dramatic increase in diabetes in dogs and cats in recent years. Diabetes has increased 32% in dogs and 16% in cats. Obesity may be a contributing factor. There are also certain breeds that are at an increased risk.
Signs of Diabetes:
If your pet has diabetes, they will eat a lot, drink a lot, urinate a lot and lose weight. The changes may be gradual or you may attribute them to something else, like age. If your pet is not diagnosed and treated, diabetes can become a life threatening emergency.
How is Diabetes Treated in Pets?
Unlike some human diabetics, ALL dog and cat diabetics must have twice daily insulin injections. The type of insulin and the dose is customized to your particular pet.
What do I do?
If you see any of the signs of increased thirst, increased appetite, increased urination or weight loss, your dog needs to be checked by a veterinarian immediately. Call Us!
For more information on diabetes:
Diabetes Mellitus: Introduction Veterinary Partners VIN https://veterinarypartner.vin.com/default.aspx?pid=19239&id=4951506